Conne River Health and Social Services, in response to the health and social needs of the Miawpukek community, designs, and implements the most effective and efficient programs and services possible.
- Daily walk-in clinical nursing services are provided Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm.
- The clinical nurse is responsible for assessing any individual presenting at the clinic. Once the patient is assessed at the walk-in clinic she must do one of two things:
1. She consults with the doctor on-call at the Bay d’Espoir Medical Center;
2. or if the complaint is within her nursing scope of practice, she provides advice. - The mandate of this program is to ensure all community members have access to daily clinical nursing services to deal with health conditions and issues.
- Service provision is always on a priority basis. Community members are seen based on the severity of their presenting health complaint. Emergencies always take priority during the daily walk-in nursing clinic and after hours emergency services.
- CRHSS currently have 2 nurse practitioners (NP’s) on staff, one of which is
contract while another clinical nurse is doing training. - This plan adheres to the provincial plan to train nurses as nurse Practitioners to work in rural areas of Newfoundland & Labrador.
- CRHSS provides a weekly nutritional supplement program for community members.
- The mandate of this program is to ensure community members assessed as being deficient with their nutritional intake receive one nutritious meal six days a week. Sundays are left for family and other community supports (home support worker provides meal if needed).
- Funding for the nutrition program is included with CRHSS’ Health Transfer Agreement.